North Orange County Community College District

Our Campuses
Two of the state's premier colleges and most extensive continuing education program combine to provide the quality educational programming of NOCCCD.
How Do I
Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held at 5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
Meetings are open to the public and during the 2024 year will take place at the Board Room of the Anaheim Union High School District at 501 N. Crescent Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801. Meetings can also be viewed by livestream.
NOCCCD is always looking for highly qualified individuals who are committed to supporting a quality educational experience for our students. Learn about opportunities to work with our District.
The NOCCCD Foundation was incorporated in 1987 to assist in the achievement and maintenance of superior educational and community programs of NOCCCD. Support student success and make an online donation today!
Looking for more?
Vendors and Contractors
Community & Partners
Upcoming Events
Board Meeting
- until adjourned
- Anaheim Union High School District Board Room
Immigration and Higher Education: Understanding Our Rights
- -
- Zoom/Virtual
Lincoln's Birthday
- All Campuses

Registration Now Open
Register for classes at Cypress College, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE). 2025 Spring classes begin on February 3 for all campuses.
Latest News
Historic Appointment of First NOCE Student Trustee
At the December 17, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, history was made when the first Student Trustee representative to North Orange Continuing Education was sworn in and officially seated. In 50+ years...
Fullerton College Formally Recognized for Voter Registration Efforts
Every two years ahead of the general election, the California Secretary of State Students Vote Project hosts the Ballot Bowl—a friendly competition where higher education campuses compete to register the most students to vote and showcase civic engagement efforts.
Full Accreditation for Credit Colleges!
NOCCCD is proud to announce that Cypress College and Fullerton College have both had their accreditation status reaffirmed by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).
Subscribe to Our Newsletter!
Published by the District Office of Public and Governmental Affairs, Inside NOCCCD highlights the latest District-wide events, people, news, and initiatives.
As I transfer to UCLA, I recognize I would not have been able to pursue my studies if it were not for the exceptional Fullerton College faculty, staff, and administration that has supported me in my academic endeavors. I am extremely thankful for the support and community I found at NOCCCD, which has shown me that with hard work and a supportive community, anything is possible.

Chloe Serrano
Fullerton College Graduate & Former Student Trustee

Undocumented Student Support
In the face of recent changes in federal immigration enforcement policies, NOCCCD wants to assure our students, employees, and regional partners that our campuses and District remain safe and welcoming places for all students and community members.
We've collected information about rights and resources, as well as guidelines for District employees.
NOCCCD Support for Undocumented Students
Partnerships and Programs
At North Orange County Community College District, we partner with educational, non-profit, philanthropic, and business organizations to help our employees and students reach their lifelong learning and career goals.
Partnerships & Programs
The NOCCCD Foundation
The North Orange County Community College District Foundation was incorporated in 1987 to assist in the achievement and maintenance of superior educational and community programs of the North Orange County Community College District.
Make a Gift
Board of Trustees
The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is led by a Board of seven elected Trustees and two student Trustees who meet bi-monthly to set policy and guide the District’s mission, academic goals, and budget.
Board of Trustees