Measure J
In November 2014, Measure J was passed, providing Fullerton College, Cypress College and the School of Continuing Education with $574 million for significant upgrades to technical job training facilities, aging classrooms, and veteran amenities.

The North Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees voted unanimously on July 22, 2014, to place Measure J, the
Fullerton/Cypress Colleges Repair and Student/Veteran Job Training Measure, on the November 4, 2014 ballot. The measure passed with greater than the 55% vote required.
Passage of Measure J amounts to a projected $14.90 per $100,000 assessed value for property owners, and includes citizen oversight and regular audits to assure accountability and transparency. By law, funds from facility bond measures can only be spent on buildings, classrooms or instructional equipment. No bond funds can be spent on administrator pensions or salaries.
Measure J
- Upgrades to antiquated science labs, lecture halls, technology and instructional equipment to better prepare students for growing fields of study and high-skill careers
- Enhancements of classroom space and training centers for future nurses, firefighters and other first responders, as well as technically-trained workers
- Expansion of veterans' facilities and services as well as job-placement centers to train and re-train veterans as they transition into the civilian workforce
- Improvements also called for general health and safety repairs, energy-efficiency enhancements, and other needed facility renovations on each of the District's three campuses.
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Fullerton College Facilities Master Plan
The Board adopted Resolution No. 17/18-08 for the Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and approved the Master Plan Projects for Fullerton College as set forth in the FEIR, effective December 12, 2017. (The Resolution is available for review in the District's Business Office.)
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Fullerton College Facilities Master Plan
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was available for a 45-day public comment period from August 18, 2017 through October 01, 2017. A copy of the DEIR was posted on the Fullerton College website and was available for public review at the Fullerton Public Library, 353 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, California 92832, and at the Administrative Offices, North Orange County Community College District, Anaheim Campus, located at 1830 West Romneya Drive, Building A, Anaheim, California 92801-1819.
This is a list of just a few of the many organizations and individuals who supported Measure J.
Organization Endorsements
- California School Employees Association, Chapter 167
- Cypress College Academic Senate
- Cypress Chamber of Commerce
- Cypress College Veterans Organization
- Democratic Party of Orange County
- Fullerton Chamber of Commerce
- Fullerton College Associated Students
- Fullerton Observer
- LA/OC Building and Trade Construction Council
- La Casa Garcia / We Give Thanks Program
- NAACP Orange County
- National Basketball Association (NBA) Retired Players Association, Los Angeles Chapter
- OCCORD – Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development
- Orange County Labor Federation
- The Orange Juice Blog
- Regional Center of Orange County
- United Faculty/CCA/CTA/NEA
Political/Public Service Leaders
- Assemblyman Tom Daly (California State Assembly, 69th District of CA)
- Senator Lou Correa (California State Senator, 34th District of CA)
- Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (California State Senator, 46th District of CA)
- Art Brown (Council Member, City of Buena Park)
- Beth Swift (Council Member, City of Buena Park)
- Darrel Essex (Cypress City Manager, Retired)
- David Shawyer (Mayor​ Pro Tem​, City of Stanton)
- Fred Smith (City of Buena Park, Councilman)
- Jordan Brandman (Councilman, Anaheim City Council)
- Keith Nelson (Former Mayor, City of La Palma)
- Larry Herman (Former Mayor, City of La Palma)
- Mary Furhman (Board Member, Buena Park Library District)
- Steve Berry (Mayor, Buena Park)
- Ralph Rodriguez (Former Mayor, City of La Palma)
- Rosie Espinoza (Former Mayor of La Habra, La Habra City Council Member, Founder – Rosie’s Garage)
- Walter Bowman (Former Council Member, Cypress City Council)
Business Leaders
- Andrew Carrol (Chair, Citizens Oversight Committee and Local Business Owner)
- Andrew Holstine (Owner, Holstine Insurance)
- Becky Areias (Owner, Hilgenfeld Mortuary)
- Bob Snow (Board of Directors, Cypress Chamber of Commerce)
- Eugene Fields (American Technologies Inc.)
- Gary Graves (Chairman, Fullerton Economic Development Commission)
- Gianna Solari (Local Business Owner)
- Dr. James A. Phillips (Phillips Financial Services, Owner)
- Jay Libermann (Local Business Owner)
- Johnnie Stohmyer (Local Business Owner)
- Michelle Gallagher (Vice President, Western Allied Corp)
- Raffi Kaprelyon (General Manager, Knott’s Berry Farm)
- Rick Hovdestad (District Services Manager, Daikin Applied)
- Tina Javid (Local Business Executive)
- Bryon Beitler (Source Refrigeration, Vice President)
- Curtis Scheetz (President, Total Environmental Management)
- Francisco Garcia (La Casa Garcia Restaurant / We Give Thanks Program)
- Jim Miller (McCoy Mills Ford)
- Kevin McCarthy (Owner, Fullerton Insurance)
- Leslie Fierno (Local Realtor)
- Mike Ritto (President, Fullerton Downtown Business Association)
- Rachida Mandiva (Private Banker, Whittier Resident)
- Stephen Shanahan (Local Business Owner)
- Theresa Harvey (President, Fullerton Chamber of Commerce)
Veteran Leaders
- Christopher Wright (President, Cypress College Veterans Organization)
- Robert McDonald (Board Member, Orange County Veterans Council)
- Paul McKinley (Director, Fullerton College Veterans Resource Center)
- Richard Ramirez (American Legion, Post #277 – Placentia)
- Ruben Aceves (Veteran, U.S. Army)
- Scott Thompson (Former President, Fullerton College Veterans Organization)
Civic, Religious, Public & Non-Profit Leaders
- Amanda DeMaio (Managing Director, STAGES Theatre)
- David Rader (Senior Pastor, Brea Baptist Church)
- Darnell Rick (Cypress College Alum and Former NBA Player)
- Jay Lieberman (President, Anaheim Hills Rotary Club)
- Dr. June Glenn (Citizen of the Year Recipient, Cypress)
- Larry Landauer (Executive Director of the Regional Center of Orange County)
- Mary Anne Foo (Executive Director, Orange County Asian and Pacific Islanders Community Association)
- Ronald Kotloff (Cypress Rotary Club)
- Rusty Kennedy (CEO and Executive Director, Orange County Office of Human Relations)
- Swen Nater (Cypress College Alum and Former NBA Player)
- Syed Shakeel (Executive Director, Islamic Shura Council of Orange County)
- Zeke Hernandez (League of Latin American Citizens, LULAC)
Education Leaders
- Al Jabar (Trustee, Anaheim Unified High School District Board)
- Art Montez (Former Trustee, Centralia School Board)
- Cynthia Aguirre (Candidate, La Habra School Board)
- Dennis Salts (Trustee, Centralia School District)
- Frederick Mason (Former Trustee, Fullerton School District)
- Hilda Sugarman (Trustee, Fullerton School District Board of Education)
- Jamison Power (Trustee, Westminster School Board)
- Jay Chen (Trustee, Hacienda – La Puente School Board)<
- Jose Moreno (Trustee, Anaheim City School Board & Los Amigos Board Member)
- Keith Boyum (Retired Cal State Fullerton Political Science Professor)
- Michael Matsuda (Superintendent, Anaheim Union High School District)
- Minard Duncan (Trustee, Fullerton School District; Former Principal)
- Shelly Arsenault (Professor, Cal State Fullerton (CSUF)
- Susan Cross Hume, (District Business Services Assistant Superintendent, Fullerton Elementary School)
- Sueling Chen (Arborland Education Center)
- Wayne Wedin (NOCCCD Legislative Task Force)
Medical Leaders
- Harry Charm (Doctor of Optometry)
- Jennifer Fee (Psy.D., Psychologist)
- Leah Reed (E.R. Nurse, West Anaheim Medical Center)
- Will Rodgers (Doctor, Owner of Seacrest Health and Wellness)
Citizens' Oversight Committee
Proposition 39 requires that a Citizens' Oversight Committee be established when bond initiatives are passed. Members of the Citizens' Oversight Committee are community leaders appointed by the NOCCCD Board of Trustees to ensure that bond funds are spent only on facility improvements.
With the official passage of Measure J in 2014, the Citizens' Oversight Committee previously commissioned for Measure X was reconstituted to oversee both Measure X and Measure J. Additional members were also added.
Members serve a two-year term, for up to three consecutive terms. Community members interested in more information are encouraged to contact the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Facilities.
- Inform the public
The Committee can inform the public concerning the District's expenditure of bond funds. In fulfilling this duty, all official, written communications to either the NOCCCD Board of Trustees or the public will come from the Chair, acting on behalf of the Committee. The Chair only releases information that reflects the majority view of the Committee. - Review expenditures
The Committee reviews expenditure reports produced by the District and audit firms to ensure that (a) bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure X and Measure J, respectively; and (b) no bond proceeds were used for teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses in compliance with Attorney General Opinion 04-110, issued on November 9, 2004. - Create an annual report
The Committee presents an annual, written report to the NOCCCD Board of Trustees.
- Committee Bylaws
Sueling Chen, Business Organization
Appointed: October 2022
Paulette Chaffee, College Support Organization
Appointed: November 2021
Beverly Falco, Community Member
Appointed: August 2022
Richard Rams, Community Member
Appointed: November 2021
Carla Skroin, Community Member
Appointed: November 2021
Gail Lyons, Senior Citizens Organization
Appointed: December 2021
VACANT, Student Organization
Thomas Quinn, Taxpayers Association
Appointed: June 2022
Meeting's of the Citizen's Oversight Committee are held quarterly, at 4 pm. on the first Wednesday of the month at the Anaheim Campus, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, on the first floor in Room 105 unless otherwise noted.
Maintenance and Operations Building
The New Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Building broke ground in October 2023 to consolidate all associated services into a single building on the Main Campus. The building will include trade-specific workshops for maintenance, grounds, facilities, and custodial personnel while improving response time and efficiencies by locating the building on the Main Campus adjacent to the central plant.
Fine Arts Building Renovation
The Fine Arts Building is under renovation to enhance and modernize office and educational spaces, complete with new technologies to support learning and soundproofing to facilitate music lessons during academic instruction. Seismic retrofits are also underway to enhance the foundation for greater stability during ground movement.
Electrical Vehicles (EV) SCE Charging Stations
In lot 4, implementation of 60 charging stations began in May after Commencement 2024. The project was completed in Fall 2024.
Chapman/Newell Instructional Building
Construction activities have been underway for the future Chapman/Newell Instructional Building since October 2023. The building will centralize vital student services including the Veterans’ Resource Center, Student Wellness Center, CalWORKS, and UMOJA Food bank.
Renovation of Building 300
The Building 300 renovation will involve seismic enhancements and historic preservation while building new classrooms, laboratories, administrative and faculty offices.
Wilshire Chiller Plant Relocation
The existing Wilshire Chiller Plant is poised to be replaced to best accommodate the heating and cooling needs of buildings in its immediate vicinity including the future New Performing Arts Complex.
Measure J - Additional Information
Measure J - Full Text
This information appeared in the Voter Information Guide that was sent to all registered voters withing NOCCCD's boundaries.
Campus Measure J Websites
Board of Trustees Resolutions
- Board of Trustees Resolution to Place a Bond Measure on November 2014 Ballot — July 22, 2014
- Board of Trustees Resolution Adopting Election Results — April 14, 2015